• Now Make
    Every Meal
    A Delicious Modern Meal

    Begin Your Healthier Lifestyle Today!
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    healthy eating with portion forks
  • Weight Management 101

    Portion Control

    Healthy Digestion

    Smaller Bites… Slower Eating…Feel Fuller Faster
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    love your gut - weight loss control
  • Introducing
    Portion Fork®
    The Modern Dinner Fork

    Starts with the food but BEGINS with the FORK
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Begin Your Healthier Lifestyle Today!

Healthy Choices and Habits Support Our Weight Loss and Weight Management Goals!

No weight loss diet, or weight management plan is complete without some consideration of food choice and their portions. Looking beyond the diets and countless weight loss products, healthy eating is an everyday process that continually builds with one healthy choice after another. The focus should be less about how to lose weight fast, or only incorporating a single idea for weight loss. It’s about creating new daily habits one step at a time that benefit your weight, digestion, and overall health. Portion Forks create a visual and physical structure to help us reach our goals. Items such as portion control containers, plates, and bowls will offer portion control servings but they do not address portion sized bites while eating. Portion Forks are quickly becoming a popular every day fork choice. The new unique designs help encourage thorough chewing and subsequently slow you down allowing you to listen to your body to realize when you’re full.

Healthy Eating with a Modern Twist

Slow Down! Enjoy your Food, Family & Friends.

Meal time is a time we get together socializing and connecting to the people we love. Embrace these moments and make them count TODAY with these newly designed dinner forks! Slow down, savor your food and enjoy your time with your family and friends while offering them a healthier way to eat.  Modernize your flatware drawer with an elegant flare and make your meal a modern experience.  From the food to our Forks to your Family, begin your healthier lifestyle today!

New Generation… New Way of Eating

Healthy Eating Habits For Our Today, Tomorrow And Future Generations!

Ensuring a healthy life for your kids does not have to be a struggle! Make eating fun with a modern twist while shaping healthier eating habits. These next generational forks will provide our today, tomorrow and future generations a healthier lifestyle earlier. No more unpleasant reminders “slow down” or “don’t put so much in your mouth” during meal time. Let the portion fork(s) offer these reminders silently during meal time. Healthy eating is a process so begin your family’s awareness of mindful eating Today!

Simply Compare the Difference…

Standard Fork Portion Size
The Portion Fork Serving Size

Our Health HotSpot

Live Well

Simply add our forks to your flatware drawer and give the power of choice, awareness, and healthy eating to you and your family.

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