stressed out- eat healthy

Healthy Eating For Your Busy Life

Running around like a chicken with your head cut off, forgot to bring or buy lunch and it’s already 4pm, even when you do remember lunch, you only eat a couple bites (and it may have been chicken nuggets instead of the healthy salad you packed).

Sound like you and your daily life? It’s the story for millions of people who struggle to get everything done within 24 hours. So much to do in such little time. Coming to terms with the fact that we can’t always accomplish all our tasks in such time can leave us in an anxiety ridden mentality.

It can especially have an effect on our overall health. According to Huffington Post’s article, skipping meals can actually make you gain fat and lose muscle. Bad eating habits can lead to indigestion and many health problems associated with improper and unbalanced diets. Without proper meals, people become unhealthy and often do not have a good metabolism system. These impacts on our health can ultimately result in more heart attacks, not to mention a whole new wardrobe.

There is Good News

You have a choice in how you manage your day and time – despite what others may believe or want you to do. This realization and acceptance will hopefully allow you to determine priorities. What is most important for you to complete today? Time management techniques will allow you to plan your time, your meals, and your outcomes, however, managing your time effectively is no easy task. This means managing not only your expectations, but others’ as well.

busy but healthy

The Solution

Slow down! While it may sound counter-intuitive, it will ultimately provide a breath for you to see the consequences – good or bad. If you take this breath to ensure your task is done properly the first time (whether it’s choosing your meal or submitting that report), you are more likely not to have to re-do them or suffer the consequences – weight gain or re-writing that report.

Evaluate and consciously determine your priorities daily with the intent to complete one task at a time. This will allow you to feel more accomplished and productive. Being more productive through-out the day will offer more time, and allowance for healthy eating choices and habits. Feeling accomplished daily and making healthy choices for ourselves will offer us the power of energy to complete the day with less on our shoulders.

See Benefits Come To Fruition

This energy will show itself within just a few days of utilizing these techniques and seeing exactly what progress you’ve made already. We all strive to live a happy and healthy life but for so many, it seems unreachable. There are solutions available! If portion control is one way we can help, please check out the options available. We just need to actually believe that they will work and find one that makes us feel like the powerful beings we are.