Family playing at the beach

5 Ways to Improve Your Family’s Health

Every day seems to be getting more and more fast-paced, rushed, or shorted. When it comes to the overall health of your family, we know you only want the best life has to offer. But rushing to eat, eating on the go, or ordering that Big Mac will likely not accomplish that.

There are many benefits to contributing ideas to your family’s daily habits. One major benefit is that it encourages overall happiness at home. When everyone is on board with healthier habits, it will promote a much more enjoyable experience when the allotted time comes to work out, eat dinner, or just watch a movie to bond.

Here are just a few ways to promote a healthy family, today and beyond:

  1. Eat dinner together, without the TV. Spending the time to talk about each other’s days and wind down – especially with tools like the Portion Fork – will encourage slower eating, communication, and happier quality time.
  2. Work out and/or play together. Pick a sport, a game, anything that gets everyone up and moving. Even if it’s a race to who can get to the door fastest, it will improve your body’s blood flow. family water fight
  3. Be an example. Let your kids see you exercising, eating healthy and mindfully. Leading by example (without lecturing) is a major advantage to your family’s health. Especially for children in a “monkey see, monkey do” type of way.
  4. Prepare. Parent’s Choice recommends taking snacks with you while on the go like almonds, raisins, and fruit. If you really want to go big on preparation, you can also put together full meals for your weekday lunches on Sunday evening.
  5. Build something together. Pinterest has a myriad of options of things to build with your family! This will promote mentally healthy children spending quality time and learning to use their hands to create and having fun.

An important aspect to this is also controlling your environment. Whether that means not going to the store when you’re hungry and buying those cookies like Anytime Fitness suggests, or imposing strict “play” times, it’s whatever works best for you and your family. Try different things to see what sticks, like switching out juice for water or even group meditation.

Allowing yourself to be patient and consistent, though, will be key components to the longevity of your plans. If not everyone likes soccer, choose something different every week so you can all try new things. Even a game of tennis on Wii can be very effective in your family bonding time, just as long as everyone has a great time!